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Obstacle data (CSV-files)

Obstacle data (CSV)

Obstacle data sets are published in Finland as CSV files according to the breakdown shown below at Data sets do not include obstacles published by NOTAM.

The users shall carefully assess the available data to determine whether the product is adapted to their intended use. 

More information regarding obstacle data sets can be inquired from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom to which the responsibility for maintaining the air navigation obstacle register was transferred on 01 OCT 2023.

Area 1 obstacles

Data set is an electronic list containing obstacles which are 100 M AGL or higher.

The naming convention for these filenames is ef_efin_area1_obstdata_dd_mmm_yyyy.csv. Dd_mmm_yyyy is the effective date of the file.

Area 2 obstacles
Aerodrome obstacles penetrating obstacle limitation surfaces

Data set is an electronic list containing man-made obstacles, that penetrate ICAO Annex 14 (national aviation regulation AGA M3-6) obstacle limitation surfaces and are over 3 M AGL.

The naming convention for these filenames is ef_efxx_ols_obstdata_dd_mmm_yyyy.csv. Efxx is the aerodrome location indicator and dd_mmm_yyyy is the effective date of the file. 

Area 4 obstacles

Data set is an electronic list containing man-made obstacles in Area 4 data collection surface.

The naming convention for these filenames is ef_efxx_nn_area4_obstdata_dd_mmm_yyyy.csv. Efxx is the aerodrome location indicator, nn is the runway designator and dd_mmm_yyyy is the effective date of the file.

Content of the CSV files

CSV file will have the following information from the man-made obstacle separated by semicolon (;):

OBST IDObstacle identificationEFINOB 10031
COORDCoord in AIP format615551.0N 0254354.3E
LATLatitude in degrees61.93083059
LONGLongitude as degrees25.73175845
HGT AGL (FT)Height AGL in FT355
ELEV MSL (FT)Elevation MSL in FT982
LGT COLORColor of top lightR
LGT TYPEType of top lightF
LGT INTSTIntensity of top lightLIH
LGT HRHours of lightHN
Area of coverageArea of coverage 
Identification of the data originatorIdentification of the data originator 
Data source identifierData source identifierTraficom
Horizontal accuracy (m)Horizontal accuracy in meters50
Horizontal confidence level (%)Horizontal confidence level in percentages90
Horizontal resolution (m)Horizontal resolution in meters5
Horizontal extentHorizontal extent 
Horizontal reference systemHorizontal reference system 
Vertical accuracy (m)Vertical accuracy in meters30
Vertical confidence level (%)Vertical confidence level in percentages90
Vertical resolution (m)Vertical resolution in meters1
Vertical reference systemVertical reference system 
Geometry typeGeometry typePOINT
Unit of measurementUnit of measurementft/m
Date and time stampDate and time stamp22.3.2017 0.00.00 +00:00


ELEV MSL (FT) data is based on N2000 vertical reference system.

On the first line of the CSV file are the field names followed by each obstacle, one per line:

OBST ID;TYPE;COORD;LAT;LONG;HGT AGL (FT);ELEV MSL (FT);LGT COLOR;LGT TYPE;LGT INTST;LGT HR;MARKINGS; Area of coverage;Identification of the data originator;Data source identifier;Horizontal accuracy (m);Horizontal confidence level (%);Horizontal resolution (m);Horizontal extent;Horizontal reference system;Vertical accuracy (m);Vertical confidence level (%);Vertical resolution (m);Vertical reference system;Geometry type;Unit of measurement;Integrity;Date and time stamp

EFINOB 10722;Chimney;630443.769N 214043.992E;63.078824584;21.6788865492;218;234;R;
0.00.00 +00:00

EFINOB 60322;Mast;631853.69N 274132.27E;63.31491388888889;27.692297222222223;575;
22.00.00 +00:00